Mas e se Super Mario Bros. fosse feito nos dias de hoje? O designer de som, conhecido apenas por sua cota no YouTube, virtjk, demonstrou como ele seria e acabou ganhando um emprego na empresa de jogos Volition, mostrando que realmente sabia o poder dos efeitos sonoros.
Veja abaixo como seria Super Mario Bros. com efeitos sonoros de hoje em dia e fique no aguardo, pois Pac-Man e Tetris estão na lista de futuros vídeos do designer:
For those who played video games classics like the Atari 8-bit Nintendo or the Sega Master System, sonically much essential for new generations to go unnoticed. Previously we had a sound to jump, one to attack, when a character dies and what not.
The look is the same, but you've never heard so Mario (Reuters)
But what if Super Mario Bros.. be done today? The sound designer, known only by its quota on YouTube, virtjk, demonstrated how he would and ended up winning a job in the game company Volition, showing who really knew the power of sound effects.
See below how would Super Mario Bros.. sound effects of today and stay in the waiting, because Pac-Man and Tetris are on the list for future videos of the designer:
Phone features
If we compare with its predecessors Nintendo 3DS only looking at the design of the console, we find no major differences - which is already a good sign, since the DS family has always been a success in the aesthetics and functionality. Still, the 3DS achieved the feat of bringing together all the positives of the previous handheld while they brought news consistent with their hardware.
Leaving aside the main feature of the device (the 3D effect that you see below), without a doubt the biggest news in 3DS is the addition of the analog stick (called the Circle Pad). With it, the games made in 3D (with respect to the look of the game with three-dimensional polygons) earn a gameplay much more robust and friendly.
In addition to the traditional action buttons, the directional digital and resources devoted to the latest Nintendo portable (like the microphone and the cameras front and rear), the unit also has a unique feature button wireless, easy access to the online connection appliance without the need to access the main menu.
The 3DS also features three LED indicators for different functions of the notebook. The main one indicates the battery status of the device, which can now be loaded with both the common source (identical to the DSi and DSiXL) and with Charging Cradle (a similar basis to his brother's Wii which serves to support the table in 3DS) .
The second LED indicates a distinct series of notifications that the device receives through its wireless feature, such as upgrades of hardware and games, as well as referrals from friends who are online and even indications of StreetPass, a feature that automatically receives information of other players who are close to you and may possibly play games for multiplayer gaming.
Finally, the third LED is lit whenever the 3D feature is enabled (via a slider button next to the screen above).
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