Os êxitos de vendas do mangá Nana começaram a tornar a autora Ai Yazawa famosa no Brasil. Não há como ignorar ? pelo menos não dentro da comunidade de fãs ? uma série que permanece três semanas no topo da lista dos dez mangás mais vendidos da Tohan. Depois vieram os filmes live action, que foram muito bem nos cinemas japoneses. Em abril de 2006 veio a série animada que se mantém fiel ao estilo de Ai Yazawa, e ajudou ainda mais na propaganda dos trabalhos da autora.
Princess-Ai é de Yazawa?
"Sim e não" seria a minha resposta. O mangá baseado na vida de Courtney Love, a roqueira e viúva de Kurt Cobain, é uma produção nipo-americana. Há dinheiro da Tokyopop, uma das mais poderosas editoras norte-americanas, e da editora japonesa Shinshokan. Courtney Love divide o roteiro com D.J. Milky, a arte do mangá é de Misaho Kujiradou. Então onde entra Ai Yazawa?
A autora de Nana fez o character design original do mangá. A aparência das personagens foi obra de Yazawa. A autora é fã confessa de Courtney Love e só por coincidência, as duas trazem "amor" (Ai = Love) no nome. O envolvimento de Ai Yazawa não foi muito, além disso, ao que parece, mas a influência de seu estilo se faz sentir no traço de Kujiradou, um dos grandes trunfos da série.
Breve biografia e obras
Ai Yazawa nasceu em 7 de março de 1967 em Osaka e desde a infância se mostrou apaixonada por desenho. Tanto é verdade, que bem jovem, com somente treze anos, ganhou a categoria C ? estreante ? de um concurso promovido pela Editora Shueisha. Esta editora se tornaria no futuro o porto seguro para os trabalhos da autora. Não sem antes lutar muito, como a própria autora disse em uma entrevista, ela teve que entrar na fila várias vezes, sem esmorecer, até que seus trabalhos fossem aceitos.
De acordo com Yazawa, suas maiores referências vieram de autoras como Fusako Kuramochi, Ogura Fuyumi e Yukari Takahashi. Todas as autoras que estrearam na Ribon em meados dos anos 70, se consolidaram nos anos 80. Dentre elas a mais famosa é Fusako Kuramochi, ganhadora do 20º Kodansha Award categoria shoujo, e autora de Itsumo Poketto ni Shopan (Ela sempre tem Chopin no seu bolso), considerado um dos melhores mangás femininos de todos os tempos. Nenhuma delas foi publicada no Ocidente, Kuramochi e Ogura fazem josei ? mangás para mulheres adultas ? nos dias de hoje. Em comum, elas têm um traço mais realista e elegante. Parece realmente que nesse quesito influenciaram Yazawa.
Apesar de ter estreado oficialmente em 1985, Ai Yazawa só ganhou maior atenção do grande público nos anos 90, com a publicação na Ribon, onde publicou por muitos anos o mangá Tenshi nanka ja nai (1992-1994) que pode ser traduzido como "Eu não sou um anjo". Foi o seu primeiro mangá longo, contando 8 volumes e foi transformado em OAV em 1994.
A consagração veio com Gokinjo Monogatari (1995-1997), que foi transformada em série animada de TV, tendo também um movie. Gokinjo é outra série centrada no dia-a-dia de amigos de colégio que são vizinhos desde a infância. A série tem uma boa mescla de drama e comédia, com o mérito de ter um universo próprio que irá marcar outras obras de Yazawa. Com 7 volumes, a obra foi um grande sucesso, mas a carreira de Yazawa começou a se direcionar para um público mais velho. Assim, depois, de publicar "Kagen no Tsuki" (1998-1999), onde já mostrava um tratamento de conteúdo muito maduro para os padrões da Ribon, Ai Yazawa partiu para novos vôos. Kagen no Tsuki é uma história que mistura drama e mistério. Foi a primeira obra de Yazawa a se tornar live action em 2004.
Falando um pouco de Nana, agora. Afinal, esse é o maior sucesso de Ai Yazawa e muitos fãs brasileiros sonham em ter a obra publicada em nossa língua. A história de Nana fala de duas moças, Nana "Hachi" Komatsu e Nana Oosaki que são diferentes na aparência, no caráter e na forma como encaram a vida. Cada uma, por motivos diferentes, decide se mudar para Tokyo. Trabalho, amor, não importa, as duas se encontram e terminam dividindo um apartamento.
O mangá começa com um flashback mostrando a vida de ambas antes de chegarem a Tokyo, e funciona como uma espécie de capítulo 0 da história. Assim, a contagem dos capítulos de Nana começa do volume 2. Até o volume 7, Nana tem como subtítulo "Dreamy & Hopeful life in Tokyo", a partir daí passa a ter como chamada "To the dream to you".
Nana Komatsu é uma adolescente que está se formando no ensino médio. Sonhadora e insegura, ela sempre se apaixona por homens mais velhos e sofre decepções amorosas. Como se trata de um mangá maduro, as questões afetivas e sexuais ficam bem explícitas, isto é, nossa Nana faz tudo por amor, ou aquilo que acredita ser amor, e sempre se dá mal. A protagonista tem uma melhor amiga que se chama Junko Saotome e que, ao contrário dela, é equilibrada e madura. Nana acaba se apaixonando de novo, desta vez por Shoji, amigo de infância de Junko. Quando o rapaz passa para a faculdade, e se muda para Tóquio, Nana, que não foi aprovada, junta suas forças e, depois de um tempo, vai atrás dele.
A série Nana teve um primeiro filme live action para o cinema em 2005 estrelado por Mika Nakashima e Aoi Miyazaki com continuação em 2006. Apesar da protagonista Aoi Miyazaki ter se recusado a fazer a continuação, a substituta, Yui Ichakawa, não fez feio e o filme foi um sucesso. Fora isso, teve uma série animada com 47 episódios que foi exibida de abril de 2006 até março de 2007. Como o sucesso de Nana é enorme, e o mangá ainda está em andamento, não seria surpresa mais um live action, um dorama ou mais material animado.
Em 12 de março saiu no Japão a primeira reedição de Nana, agora em formato wideban e na coleção Shueisha Girls Remix. O formato é B6 (13,5 x 18 cm), com 324 páginas e ao custo de 400 ienes. O plus da coisa, além do tamanho são páginas coloridas, imagens extras e informações sobre a revista Cookie e outros títulos da coleção.
Houve uma polêmica envolvendo o mangá de Nana no Japão, pois grupos antitabagistas argumentam que a série estimula o fumo entre jovens e adolescentes. Pode até ser que alguém tenha se tornado fumante por causa da elegante Nana Oozaki, mas não acredito que o objetivo de Yazawa seja esse. Apesar das críticas, a série vai muito bem e já é publicada nos EUA, na Itália, na Espanha e muitos outros países - inclusive o Brasil.
The success of sales of the manga Nana began to make the author famous in Brazil Ai Yazawa. There is no escape? at least not within the fan community? a series that remains three weeks atop the list of the ten top-selling manga Tohan. Then came the live action films, which were very well in Japanese theaters. In April 2006 came the animated series that stays true to the style of Ai Yazawa, and helped further the propaganda work of the author.
Princess-Ai Yazawa is?
Yes and no "would be my answer. The manga based on the life of Courtney Love, the widow of rocker Kurt Cobain and is a Japan-US production. There is money from Tokyopop, one of the most powerful American publishers, and Japanese publisher Shinshokan. Courtney Love breaks the script with DJ Milky, the art of manga is Misaho Kujiradou. So where does Yazawa Ai?
The author of Nana made the original manga character design. The appearance of the characters were the work of Yazawa. The author admits is a fan of Courtney Love and only by coincidence, the two have "love" (Ai = Love) in the name. The involvement of Ai Yazawa was not long, moreover, it seems, but the influence of his style is felt in Kujiradou trace of one of the great strengths of the series.
Brief biography and works
Ai Yazawa was born on March 7, 1967 in Osaka and from childhood was shown with a passion for drawing. So much so that quite young, only thirteen years old, won the category C? rookie? a contest held by the publisher Shueisha. This label would become the haven for the future work of the author. Not without a fight too, as the author said in an interview, she had to get in line several times without fading, even though their papers were accepted.
According to Yazawa, its main perpetrators as they came Fusako Kuramochi, Fuyumi Ogura and Takahashi Yukari. All authors who debuted in Ribon in the mid 70s, have been consolidated in the 80s. Among them the most famous is Fusako Kuramochi, winner of the 20th Kodansha Award shoujo category, and author of Poketto ni Itsumo Shopan (Chopin She always has in his pocket), considered one of the best female comics of all time. None were published in the West, and Ogura Kuramochi josei do? manga for adult women? today. In common they have a dash more realistic and elegant. It really seems that in this aspect influenced Yazawa.
An ingredient that helps to compose Ai Yazawa's style is his passion for fashion. The author has even started the diploma in fashion design when she finished high school. I say started, because she left school. Lack of jurisdiction? No way! Just pick any of the manga author, Paradise Kiss, and especially, to understand that good taste and creativity of Yazawa are an example of his talent. Just his vocation was not there. Fans of manga to thank Yazawa.
Although he officially debuted in 1985, Ai Yazawa only gained greater attention from the general public in 90 years, with the publication in Ribon, where for many years published the manga Tenshi Nanka ja nai (1992-1994) that can be translated as "I I am not an angel. " It was his first long manga, counting eight volumes and was transformed into OAV in 1994.
The acclaim came with Gokinjo Monogatari (1995-1997), which was transformed into animated television series, also a movie. Gokinjo is another series focused on day-to-day of high school friends who are neighbors since childhood. The series has a good mix of drama and comedy, with the merit of their own universe that will mark other works Yazawa. With seven volume work was a great success, but Yazawa's career began to drive to an older audience. So, then, to publish "Kagen no Tsuki" (1998-1999), which already showed a very mature treatment of content for the standards of Ribon, Ai Yazawa left for new flights. Kagen no Tsuki is a story that mixes drama and mystery. It was the first work of Yazawa to become live action in 2004.
In 1999, Yazawa began publishing two of his best-known manga: Nana's Cookie magazine Shueisha, and Paradise Kiss, Zipper magazine, the publisher Shodensha. Paradise Kiss, Kiss or To, as is also known, was published monthly and lasted until 2003, and bound in five volumes and gaining an anime in 2005 with 12 episodes. Since Nana is still being published every month until today and signals that will end soon.
Speaking a little Nana now. After all, this is the most successful of Ai Yazawa and many Brazilian fans dream of having the work published in our language. The story tells of two girls Nana, Nana "Hachi" Komatsu and Nana Oosaki that are different in appearance, character and how they face life. Each, for different reasons, decides to move to Tokyo. Work, love, no matter, the two meet and end up sharing a flat.
The manga begins with a flashback showing life both before coming to Tokyo, and operates as a sort of Chapter 0 of history. Thus, the count begins the chapters of Nana volume 2. Up to volume 7, Nana is subtitled "Dreamy & Hopeful Life in Tokyo", thereafter shall be replaced as called "To the dream to you".
Nana Komatsu is a teenager who is graduating from high school. Dreamy and insecure, she always falls for older men and suffers heartbreak. As this is a mature manga, emotional and sexual issues are very explicit, that is, our Nana does everything for love, or what we believe to be love, and always gives bad. The protagonist has a best friend called Junko Saotome and that, unlike her, is balanced and mature. Nana falls in love again, this time by Shoji, a childhood friend of Junko. When the boy goes to college, and moved to Tokyo, Nana, who was not approved, joining forces and, after a while, goes after him.
The other Nana has surnamed Oosaki and is fearless, independent and mischievous. His life was full of problems, raised by her grandmother because she was abandoned by her mother, did not finish high school because he decided to surrender to the dream of becoming a singer. It is lead singer of Blast, an abbreviation for "Black Stones", and this is ideal because it goes to Tokyo. Nana Oozaki likes to provoke the other Nana, whom he calls Hachi. Do not see the joke? "Nana" is seven in Japanese, "hachi" is eight.
The series had a first Nana live action movie to film in 2005 starring Mika Nakashima and Aoi Miyazaki in 2006 with follow-up. Despite the protagonist Aoi Miyazaki has refused to do the sequel, the substitute, Yui Ichakawa, did ugly and the movie was a success. Other than that, he had an animated series with 47 episodes that ran from April 2006 until March 2007. Since the success of Nana is huge, and the manga is still ongoing, it would not surprise most one live action, drama or a more lively material.
On March 12 came out in Japan first reissue of Nana, now in the collection and format wideban Shueisha Girls Remix. The format is B6 (13.5 x 18 cm), with 324 pages and costs 400 yen. The plus of it, and size are color pages, extra images and information about the Cookie magazine and other titles from the collection.
There was a controversy involving the Nana manga in Japan, for anti-smoking groups argue that the series encourages smoking among youths and adolescents. It may even be that someone has become smokers because of the elegant Oozaki Nana, but I do not believe that the purpose of this is Yazawa. Despite criticisms, the series is going very well and is already published in USA, Italy, Spain and many other countries - including Brazil.
Princess-Ai Yazawa is?
Yes and no "would be my answer. The manga based on the life of Courtney Love, the widow of rocker Kurt Cobain and is a Japan-US production. There is money from Tokyopop, one of the most powerful American publishers, and Japanese publisher Shinshokan. Courtney Love breaks the script with DJ Milky, the art of manga is Misaho Kujiradou. So where does Yazawa Ai?
The author of Nana made the original manga character design. The appearance of the characters were the work of Yazawa. The author admits is a fan of Courtney Love and only by coincidence, the two have "love" (Ai = Love) in the name. The involvement of Ai Yazawa was not long, moreover, it seems, but the influence of his style is felt in Kujiradou trace of one of the great strengths of the series.
Brief biography and works
Ai Yazawa was born on March 7, 1967 in Osaka and from childhood was shown with a passion for drawing. So much so that quite young, only thirteen years old, won the category C? rookie? a contest held by the publisher Shueisha. This label would become the haven for the future work of the author. Not without a fight too, as the author said in an interview, she had to get in line several times without fading, even though their papers were accepted.
According to Yazawa, its main perpetrators as they came Fusako Kuramochi, Fuyumi Ogura and Takahashi Yukari. All authors who debuted in Ribon in the mid 70s, have been consolidated in the 80s. Among them the most famous is Fusako Kuramochi, winner of the 20th Kodansha Award shoujo category, and author of Poketto ni Itsumo Shopan (Chopin She always has in his pocket), considered one of the best female comics of all time. None were published in the West, and Ogura Kuramochi josei do? manga for adult women? today. In common they have a dash more realistic and elegant. It really seems that in this aspect influenced Yazawa.
An ingredient that helps to compose Ai Yazawa's style is his passion for fashion. The author has even started the diploma in fashion design when she finished high school. I say started, because she left school. Lack of jurisdiction? No way! Just pick any of the manga author, Paradise Kiss, and especially, to understand that good taste and creativity of Yazawa are an example of his talent. Just his vocation was not there. Fans of manga to thank Yazawa.
Although he officially debuted in 1985, Ai Yazawa only gained greater attention from the general public in 90 years, with the publication in Ribon, where for many years published the manga Tenshi Nanka ja nai (1992-1994) that can be translated as "I I am not an angel. " It was his first long manga, counting eight volumes and was transformed into OAV in 1994.
The acclaim came with Gokinjo Monogatari (1995-1997), which was transformed into animated television series, also a movie. Gokinjo is another series focused on day-to-day of high school friends who are neighbors since childhood. The series has a good mix of drama and comedy, with the merit of their own universe that will mark other works Yazawa. With seven volume work was a great success, but Yazawa's career began to drive to an older audience. So, then, to publish "Kagen no Tsuki" (1998-1999), which already showed a very mature treatment of content for the standards of Ribon, Ai Yazawa left for new flights. Kagen no Tsuki is a story that mixes drama and mystery. It was the first work of Yazawa to become live action in 2004.
In 1999, Yazawa began publishing two of his best-known manga: Nana's Cookie magazine Shueisha, and Paradise Kiss, Zipper magazine, the publisher Shodensha. Paradise Kiss, Kiss or To, as is also known, was published monthly and lasted until 2003, and bound in five volumes and gaining an anime in 2005 with 12 episodes. Since Nana is still being published every month until today and signals that will end soon.
Speaking a little Nana now. After all, this is the most successful of Ai Yazawa and many Brazilian fans dream of having the work published in our language. The story tells of two girls Nana, Nana "Hachi" Komatsu and Nana Oosaki that are different in appearance, character and how they face life. Each, for different reasons, decides to move to Tokyo. Work, love, no matter, the two meet and end up sharing a flat.
The manga begins with a flashback showing life both before coming to Tokyo, and operates as a sort of Chapter 0 of history. Thus, the count begins the chapters of Nana volume 2. Up to volume 7, Nana is subtitled "Dreamy & Hopeful Life in Tokyo", thereafter shall be replaced as called "To the dream to you".
Nana Komatsu is a teenager who is graduating from high school. Dreamy and insecure, she always falls for older men and suffers heartbreak. As this is a mature manga, emotional and sexual issues are very explicit, that is, our Nana does everything for love, or what we believe to be love, and always gives bad. The protagonist has a best friend called Junko Saotome and that, unlike her, is balanced and mature. Nana falls in love again, this time by Shoji, a childhood friend of Junko. When the boy goes to college, and moved to Tokyo, Nana, who was not approved, joining forces and, after a while, goes after him.
The other Nana has surnamed Oosaki and is fearless, independent and mischievous. His life was full of problems, raised by her grandmother because she was abandoned by her mother, did not finish high school because he decided to surrender to the dream of becoming a singer. It is lead singer of Blast, an abbreviation for "Black Stones", and this is ideal because it goes to Tokyo. Nana Oozaki likes to provoke the other Nana, whom he calls Hachi. Do not see the joke? "Nana" is seven in Japanese, "hachi" is eight.
The series had a first Nana live action movie to film in 2005 starring Mika Nakashima and Aoi Miyazaki in 2006 with follow-up. Despite the protagonist Aoi Miyazaki has refused to do the sequel, the substitute, Yui Ichakawa, did ugly and the movie was a success. Other than that, he had an animated series with 47 episodes that ran from April 2006 until March 2007. Since the success of Nana is huge, and the manga is still ongoing, it would not surprise most one live action, drama or a more lively material.
On March 12 came out in Japan first reissue of Nana, now in the collection and format wideban Shueisha Girls Remix. The format is B6 (13.5 x 18 cm), with 324 pages and costs 400 yen. The plus of it, and size are color pages, extra images and information about the Cookie magazine and other titles from the collection.
There was a controversy involving the Nana manga in Japan, for anti-smoking groups argue that the series encourages smoking among youths and adolescents. It may even be that someone has become smokers because of the elegant Oozaki Nana, but I do not believe that the purpose of this is Yazawa. Despite criticisms, the series is going very well and is already published in USA, Italy, Spain and many other countries - including Brazil.
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